From the Desk of

Author Reid Ashbaucher

A Five Volume Theological Series

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A Theological Book Series

Survey of the Old Testament

Survey of the New Testament

Introduction to to Bible Doctrine





4. Dispensational Theology

5. Made in the Image of God

Survey of the Old Testament represents volume 1 in this theological series, to be written in the coming months and released in 2024.  This volume will present 39 books of the Bible in chapter format.

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Survey of the Old Testament

Survey of the New Testament represents volume 2 in this theological series, to be written in the coming months and released in 2025.  This volume will present 27 books of the Bible in chapter format.

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Survey of the New Testament

Each chapter of these volumes will cover one book of the Bible in a survey format, providing an overall perspective of the Scriptures. These chapters will provide each book's historical background, Authorship. key concepts of the book, and more.

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Survey of the Both Testaments

Introduction to Bible Doctrine represents volume 3 in this theological series; released in December 2020.  This volume presents 10 foundational truths behind Christianity.

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Introduction to Bible Doctrine

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The Doctrine of God

The Doctrine of Christ

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

The Doctrine of the Scriptures

The Doctrine of Humanity

The Doctrine of Angels

The Doctrine of Salvation

The Doctrine of the Church

The Doctrine of Heaven and Hell

The Doctrine of Eschatology











Introduction to Bible Doctrine

Introduction to Bible Doctrine covers these ten doctrines:

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Dispensational Theology represents volume 4 in this theological series, released in June 2019. This volume is a textbook on eschatology in the twenty-first century.

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Dispensational Theology

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Made in the Imgage of God

Made in the Image of God represents volume 5 in this theological series, released in February 2020.

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Book Availibility

All the author's books are distributed by the Ingram Group, and available to more than 39,000 book retailers Worldwide.