Dispensational Theology Educational Course

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Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century was designed around a two-semester course at a 300 or higher secondary education level. It is the author’s view that this book could also be used by local churches that operate their own adult education programs. With local churches in mind, the author has created a 100 slide (7 MB) PowerPoint® course presentation to aid instructors in teaching the subject of Eschatology from a dispensational perspective using the author’s book as the primary textbook for student use. A look inside the textbook can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

A 16-slide sample show can be viewed online using the link below. The online page will allow you to view the sample as a web page or slide show, download the sample for review in your PowerPoint® program, save to your Microsoft one-drive account for sharing, print to a pdf format for viewing online, print to paper or download to your computer.


Dispensational Theology Educational PowerPoint (On-site Edition)

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Available PowerPoint® Editions: (A) On-site Edition (6.99 MB) | (B) Online Edition (7.01 MB)


  1. Individual On-Site License—The product can be used on-site of any location, the owner is providing instruction and is only available to individuals. This product is sutible for pastors, teachers, or Christian individuals. (This product is not licensed for Online/Network use)
  2. Individual Online License—This product can be used for both On-site or Online Internet or Network use and is only available to individuals. This product is sutible for pastors, teachers, or Christian individuals. (*This license is eligible for the Split-Share License Addendum.)
  3. Organization On-Site License—The product can be used on-site of any location the organization’s employees or paid subcontractors are providing instruction and is sutible for Churches or Christian Educational organizations. This product is sutible for Christian-based organizations. (This product is not licensed for Online/Network use)
  4. Organization On-Site/Online License—The product can be used both on-site and over the Internet or Network on campus. This License is for organizational use by its employees or paid subcontractors that are providing instruction. This product is suitable for Christian-based organizations. (*This license is eligible for the Split-Share License Addendum.)

*Split-Share License Addendum—This option allows current holders of an Online License to use the individual PowerPoint® slides of the original file with other PowerPoint® presentations the license holder owns. (This license can be purchased with items 2 or 4.)


The links below represent EULAs for this product.


PRICING – With all Download Products, the textbook is sold separately.

USB $69.00—Download $39.00—Individual On-site License. Edition contents: One On-site Edition; 1 Copy Paperback Textbook; 1 PDF printable (B/W) file containing 32 student Assignment slides for weekly assignment handouts to students; 15 PDF printable slide chapter summaries.

USB $99.00—Download $69.00—Individual Online License. Edition contents: One online Edition; 1 Copy Paperback Textbook; 1 PDF printable (B/W) file containing 32 student Assignment slides for weekly assignment handouts to students; 15 PDF printable slide chapter summaries.

USB $149.00—Download $119.00—Organization On-site License. Edition contents: One On-site Edition; 1 Copy Paperback Textbook; 1 PDF printable (B/W) file containing 32 student Assignment slides for weekly assignment handouts to students; 15 PDF printable slide chapter summaries.

USB $199.00—Download $159.00—Organization On-site/Online License. Edition contents: Both Editions; 1 Copy Paperback Textbook; 1 PDF printable (B/W) file containing 32 students Assignment slides for weekly assignment handouts to students; 15 PDF printable slide chapter summaries.

(Option Exams) PDF file—Mid and Final Exams per Section—Download $49.00; (Includes Four 100 Question Exams; Test Formats: True/False; Multiple Choice; Matching.) These tests can be used “as is” or used in part to make up your own tests, or used as suggestions in making up your own tests. Test questions solely based on the textbook used. It comes with four answer sheets that provide the question number, the answer, and page number in the textbook the answer can be found. (Sold only to those who have purchased the course.)

(Option Licensing) Split-Share License Addendum—Download $29.00—Allows individual slide separation from the original file for use in other presentations. (This license only applies to online editions.)

Note 1: The textbook is sold separately with all download editions.

Note 2: The difference between the On-site and Online PowerPoint slides is the Online slides have a copyright attribute displayed on the bottom right corner of each slide. Where the On-site slides do not. Also the licensing for each version is different in privilages granted in the use of the product.

Note 3: We strongly recommend that those that purchase this product sign up for our Newsletter for notifications of updated versions of the product or any changes to our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy that may affect you. This Newsletter will not be used for any other purpose, thus, you may only see a Newsletter from us once or twice a year. You can find our Newsletter sign-up form on our home page, at the bottom of the right side panel. (We do not sell or give away our mailing lists.)


Slide 1 – Title Page

Slide 2 – Copyright Page

Slide 3 – Section ID Page (There are two sections)

Slide 4 – Chapter Summary Page ( There are fifteen chapters in this course.) On these pages, the left column reflects title sections within the chapter. The right column reflects subtitles under each title section. The title column is color-coded to match the associated subtitles that fall under them.

Slide 5 – Assignment Page ( These pages reflect the assigned reading for that week’s class discussions, along with supplemental reading suggestions taken from the textbook’s footnotes, which many are accessible from the Internet.) The course is divided over 15 weeks of course work, with week 16 reserved for optional testing.

Slide 6 – Instructional Talking Point Page (These slides represent the talking points for the course as they relate to the textbook. Each slide shows the textbook page numbers that correlate with the slide’s talking points at the bottom of the slide. The talking points are 99% direct quotes taken from the textbook for easy following. Each talking point slide can represent one session of 45 to 60 minutes, allowing breaks between sessions, or if there is only one slide for that week, it can represent a two-hour session with more discussion time built in. It is left up to the instructor to build the class time around the presentation slide. This allows for flexibility to hold discussions on what the instructor whats to emphasize through the supplemental reading assignments or other assigned reading that the instructor so deems appropriate.

This pattern of slides 4 through 6 repeats themselves to the end of each section, in which there are two, representing two semesters of work, two to three hours a week for 15 or 16 weeks. (This is equivalent to a 3 semester hour college course per section.) Each week’s work can represent one session per week, meeting for 2 to 3 hours.

Note: The textbook is fully footnoted and comes with a bibliography, scripture index, and subject index.


Presentation Requirments: To show this course you must have PowerPoint 2007 or newer installed on your device. One textbook for each student is also required. The file is formatted as a slide show and can be started by simply double-clicking on the file. Other options toward presentation could be through a webinar platform. The following website link will provide you 17+ Webinar Software Platforms plus a free guide on 2020 Webinar platforms for those looking for more information on this topic.

Instructor Qualifications: It is recommended that the Instructor have Bible college or Seminary training and have completed courses in New and Old Testament Survey, one year of Bible doctrine, and preferably completed a semester on Hermeneutics. When using the PowerPoint® with the textbook, course preparation should be simply expanding the talking points with what is covered in the textbook and recommended supplemental reading within the course. The Instructor is free to add any other material they deem worthwhile and relevant to the course subject.

Textbook Availability: Textbooks are available through the Ingram group for bookstores and available at most major online retailers where books are sold. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and so on.) A link library to find the textbook worldwide can be found on this website using the following link: (Link Library)


The student should have taken or have a working knowledge of what is covered in New and Old Testament Survey courses and have taken or have a working knowledge of what is covered in a one year Bible doctrine course. Reid Ashbaucher has now written a book called, Introduction to Bible Doctrine: Ten Foundational Truths behind Christianity, and qualifies as a one-year prerequisite 100 level course in Bible Doctrine.

This Dispensational Theology course offering is not recommended for Christians with little to no Bible knowledge or background. In the end, this is not material for novice Christians with limited Bible knowledge. Thus, it is recommended to work through the author’s Introduction to Bible Doctrine first before taking this course.

Note: If you have any questions or comments on the PowerPoint® sample file or the course in general, please contact us through this or the publisher’s website. Thanks for stopping by!



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